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Official Website of Author

Don't Look Now...

Navigating Life's Ups & Downs
Available in Paperback
Kindle Version Coming Soon

Gael MacGregor

Gael MacGregor is a Los Angeles-based music supervisor, musician, author, singer, songwriter and advocate for strong intellectual property rights for all content creators. In Gael’s first book, “Don’t Look Now...” she writes about navigating the ups and downs of life without losing one’s sense of humor or purpose. She is currently co-authoring a collection of children’s stories with RJ Hunt, author of “The Ordinary Life of Emily Austin”, and hard at work on a follow-up book about her near death and recovery, another about her life in music, as well as a vegetarian cookbook and a series of size acceptance-related short stories. Gael lives in Valley Village, California with her husband, flowers, and herb garden, where she continues to write stories and make music. Besides reading her book, why not jump on over to and buy her CD, “You Ain’t Too Tough”? You’ll make her really, really happy. 

My Books
My Books
Book Trailers
Book Trailers

Don't Look Now...

The Whispering Wind

(with R.J. Hunt)

Tales From The Imaginarian

(with R.J. Hunt)


Ms. MacGregor is a most engaging raconteur, whose deceptively easy conversational recollections transform her memories into a string of pearls filled with insight, wisdom and humour. She does not shrink from sad stories when they need to be told, or from uncomfortable observations when they need to be made, but she always relates them and confronts them with just enough "warm fuzzy" vibe that the proverbial spoonfuls of sugar are there to help the medicine go down. WELL DONE!


Author, The Bluebottle Boys


For media inquiries, please contact Gael MacGregor


12245 Chandler Blvd., Suite 102, Valley Village, CA 91607

© 2018 by Gael MacGregor

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